Tuesday, May 18, 2010

good bye

far winds mates i am leaving eliminator school.i am going to dacrek intermediate. i am going to miss all my mates. but i am very happy that i am going farewell i have to go.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

coon dog

what do you know about coon dogs ? coon dogs are hunting dogs they can hunt alot of things. They look so cut when they are baby's . they are inteligent dogs . i love baby coon dogs .

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Sunday, February 21, 2010

my parents

my parents are the best . They always help me when i need help . To me they are the best parents in the world . My mom is so supoetive when i go to my speech metes . My dad is always there when i need him . He helpes me memorize my bible verse when i need to . I LOVE MY PARENTS THEY ARE SO COOL .

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

how do i feal about going to middle school

what do i think it is like going to middle school? I am very scard about going to a new school . and not having my friends right next to me . I think middle school will be very challenging in so many ways . i am so scard about middle school.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

MY bffabbsk

i have many friends . My best friend is kailey she is my bffabbsk. Which means that she is always there to support me in my speech meats and what ever i do . Kailey is the best person in the world to me she helps me when i need help.Kailey is the coolest Friend you can have she is so fun to hang out with. Kailey is the best singer she can do high notes and low notes she sounds so GOOD!If kailey was not here i don't know what i wood do.I would explode..I would be so lonely in resses she is so great .she is a blessing to every one in the world.if kailey had to go to a different school i would be terrified.sometimes me and kailey think alike like yester day we said the same things but we were at different tables .I LOVE KAILEY SHE IS MY BFFSBBSK.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010